“Barbara” de Mathieu Amalric – Our review

“Barbara” a picture within a picture

The biopic about the French singer Barbara directed, and also starred by, Mathieu Amalric can seem somewhat confusing with its mixture of fiction and reality-based images, obtained from documentaries from the time. That said, one begins to become accustomed to these colliding pictures that at first glance appear fake but later on pleasantly surprise you by working out quite well with the plot. It is later on that things get complicated.

In the film about the singer, known for her talent and demanding personality, Almalric goes from one subject to the next, adding a mise en abyme developed by filming the shooting of a movie based on the life of Barbara. We see the director playing a filmmaker engrossed with admiration, devotion, and love for the singer while directing Jeanne Balibar who has the challenge to portray, sing and play the piano like Barbara.

Jeanne Balibar naturally imposes herself in the role of an actress that is trying to personify the singer (hope you understood that). In this film, you sometimes might have to take some time to figure out who is who in this image overlap. But the movie created with some impressionist touches, I would say, creates a tender and touching portrait of the tragic singer.

“Barbara” received the Jean Vigo 2017 award, a prize that rewards the originality in cinema.


Cast & Crew:

  • Director: Mathieu Amalric
  • Cast: Jeanne Balibar, Mathieu Amalric
  • Production: Patrick Godeau
  • Screenplay: Mathieu Amalric and Philippe Di Folco

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